

Helix Nebula

Helix Nebula, superb deep sky object but so low on the horizon that the telescope was almost parallel to earth! First processing using PixInsight, yay! Click on the image for more details


RPG Backpack crashes (finally) solved

Hi, version 58 has been released on Dec 20th 2017 finally solves the huge number of crashes reported on previous builds. Sorry for the inconvenience! Update your devices 😉 Gnagno


Palenque – Maya Tour Parte II

Fu scoperta nel 1773 da frate Ordoñez, un canonico della cattedrale di Ciudad Real, in Chiapas, il quale decise di verificare le voci che parlavano di un’imponente città abbandonata avvolta nella foresta pluviale. Palenque...